From the whir of your refrigerator to the grinding screech of your mixer, all these sounds make a house a home, right? In today’s world, home appliances have become reliable companions in our daily routines, helping the home run smoothly. But what happens when these appliances don’t run smoothly? When they’re constantly sputtering and coughing, throwing tantrums, and disrupting routines?
The age-old question arises: Should I repair my home appliance or replace it?
Here's a quick guide to help you decide:
When to Repair the Broken Appliances?
The following pointers will help you decide when to repair your broken appliances:
- Age of Appliance: Is your electric appliance a sturdy sidekick, well within its expected lifespan (typically around 10 years for major appliances)? A minor repair might be all it needs to keep functioning for years to come.
- Repair Cost vs. Replacement Cost: Generally, if the repair cost is less than half the price of a new appliance, fixing it makes a good monetary choice.
- Sentimentality: Let's face it, sometimes our appliances hold memories. Say, you must have bought the refrigerator with your first salary, or the washing machine must have been the first appliance to ever find its place in your new home; a repair might be worth it.
When to Replace the Broken Appliances?
The following pointers will help you decide when to replace your broken appliances:
- Frequent Breakdowns: Is your appliance becoming a high maintenance, needing repairs more often than not? Constant repairs can be a drain on your wallet, time, energy, and efforts.
- Energy Efficiency: Newer models provide significant energy savings compared to older models. Replacing a fridge consuming more than acceptable watts of electricity can save you money in the long run.
- Technological Advancements: Do you crave the latest features? Upgrading to a smart appliance with all the bells and whistles might be the push you need to bring in a new member in the family.
Points to Remember:
- Get Estimates: Before making a decision, get quotes from qualified repair technicians and choose wisely.
- Perform DIY Repairs: If you're skilled enough to solve simple issues, a DIY repair might be an option (but always prioritise safety!).
- Green Revolution: Recycling old appliances, minimising e-waste, and opting for energy-efficient models is a win-win for both you and the environment.